• HRC2024
  • 6 - 8 Oct 2024

Prof Nico Reinsch

Nico	Reinsch

Speaking at: HRC2024

Position: Consultant
Location: Essen, DE

Prof. Nico Reinsch was born 1978 in Muenster (Germany). From 1999 he studied medicine at the University of Muenster, Basel and Cape Town. After graduating from university he started his speciality training at the University clinic of Essen. After completing his training he started working as a clinical electrophysiologist at the Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus Essen since 2015. His main research topic is cardiac ablation cardiac electroporation (pulsed field) ablation. In 2014 he received his Habilitation (Germany) and was appointed Professor (Germany) in 2022. 

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