• HRC2025
  • 5 - 7 Oct 2025

Prof Nicholas Peters

Nicholas Peters

Speaking at: HRC2023

Position: Professor of Cardiology
Location: London, UK

Nicholas S Peters is Professor of Cardiology, Head of Cardiac Electrophysiology at Imperial College, London; Director of Imperial Centre for Cardiac Engineering and the ElectroCardioMaths Program. He co-founded Imperial’s Virtual Hospital to implement innovative care pathways at Imperial NHS Hospitals and now across NW London ICS. His interest in remote care is underpinned by a research program funded principally by the British Heart Foundation and NIHR. With more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and patents in the field, he has a number of international research collaborations, is on the Advisory Boards and Consultant to a number of academic, publishing, commercial and governmental entities in Europe and U.S.A. He is Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Columbia University, NY and co-founder of the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society and ARPIEM Ltd.

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