• HRC2025
  • 5 - 7 Oct 2025

Dr John Cannon

John Cannon

Speaking at: HRC2023

Position: General Practitioner
Location: Suffolk, UK

Currently working as a portfolio GP with an interest in cardiovascular medicine for the past 40 years being a founder member of Suffolk's CV Consensus Group, the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society and the Primary Care Research Network writing clinical guidelines over this period. I have undertaken published CV research with Prof Morris Brown's team from the Dept of Clinical Pharmacology at Cambridge University and have been a Principal Investigator in a number of CV trials (including AF research). As an accredited Clinical Teacher at Cambridge University I have undertaken additional postgraduate teaching qualifications there. I have written and lectured extensively on CV topics over the past 30+ years. In 2014 I was invited to become Visiting Professor of Primary Care at the University of Suffolk and that year started working in the Dept of Cardiology at Ipswich Hospital.

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