• HRC2025
  • 5 - 7 Oct 2025

Prof Natasja de Groot

Natasja de Groot

Speaking at: HRC2023

Position: Electrophysiologist
Location: Rotterdam, NL

Prof. Dr. Natasja MS de Groot, cardiologist-electrophysiologist, is professor in electrophysiology at both the Erasmus Medical Center and the University of Technology in Delft.  Her research projects are aimed at unravelling the electropathophysiology of complex cardiac tachyarrhythmias, developing and testing developing novel diagnostic tools and therapies for cardiac arrhythmias. For this purpose, she develops, tests and implements unique techniques for recording and processing of cardiac electrical signals. Main topics are high resolution mapping studies of cardiac arrhythmias in particular atrial fibrillation, mechanisms of (post-operative) atrial fibrillation, dysrhythmias in patients with congenital heart disease and neuromodulation of atrial fibrillation. She is Fellow of the EHRA and is involved in writing various international guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, European Heart Rhythm Association and Heart Rhythm Society. At present, she is director of the research unit and chair of the Medical Delta Cardiac Arrhythmia Lab, one of the flagships of the collaboration between Leiden University Medical Center, Erasmus Medical Center and Technical University Delft.

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